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Gymstick Online


Gymstick International was founded by two sport professionals, Risto Kasurinen and Miika Vesalainen in 2003. Since then the company has grown and distributes to over 45 countries around the world. Starting as athletes and sport instructors in Sports Institute of Finland, Risto and Miika have always been passionate in creating programs and equipment to assist to people to move more. After his athletic career Miika worked as personal trainer and physical coach in many different sports. He also taught the initial personl training course as well as training new sports coaches at the Sport Institute of Finland. Risto’s first initative was his involvement with Nordic Walking and was part of a team that developed Nordic Walking into a world wide fitness phenomena, which now has over 20 million participants. Miika and Risto developed the Gymstick concept, which originally started with the Gymstick Original, a fibreglass stick with two rubber tubings with foot straps at each end. Realising that this was going to be a huge success, the company started to grow by adding more innovative fitness products that have truly helped people to achieve their fitness and personal goals.


Today Gymstick’s wide product range is sold in six continents, in over 45 countries and through thousands of resellers. In addition, we represent a number of high quality international brands in our domestic market in Finland. Gymstick is a leading fitness brand in Finland. Our professional staff in sales, marketing, promotion, education, production, importing, exporting, logistics, customer service and after service are all fully focused on fitness and sport. We attach great importance to product quality and customer satisfaction. Our tools are not only suitable for home fitness but also sport, physiotherapy, fitness club and studio use. We deliver ongoing instructor programming and training through master trainers as well as through our Gymstick App.
The desire to innovate and inspire keeps us going!

Awards & Recognition

  • Most innovative fitness product in Finland 2004. Gymstick Original was selected as the most innovative product of the province Päijät-Häme in 2004. One of the main considerations of INNO 2004 was wellbeing and the judges noted that Gymstick had found it’s way to fitness enthusiasts of all ages, athletes and healthcare (rehabilitation).
  • ISPO Brand New Awards 2005 – finalist. Gymstick participated in the Brand New Awards competition organised by ISPO Winter 2005. The panel of international judges selected Gymstick out of 158 applications from 21 countries to be one of the finalists. Much success and attention was gained through the ISPO Fair in Munich, Germany.
  • Best home fitness tool in Australia 2006 The Daily Telegraph voted the Gymstick Original the best home fitness tool for 2006. A women’s fitness and health magazine listed Gymstick in their “Your Summer Wish List” article. “One of our favourite workout tools for ’06, the Gymstick provides a diverse all over body workout”.
  • Best group fitness tool in Poland 2007 Poznan fitness Convention award
  • Gymstick International was selected as the Strongest company in the province in 2010.


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