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Adidas är ett företag som tillverkar sportkläder och sportskor inom en rad olika sporter. Företaget grundades som skotillverkare i Herzogenaurach i Tyskland 1948.


The brands of the adidas Group complement each other in a unique way to help athletes perform better, play better, feel better. Our products break records, set trends, make history. Every day. All over the world. Welcome to the adidas Group.

It is not only about faster shoes and fashion statements. Just as a shoe is more than padding and foam, there is more to us than just the product. Everything we do is bound by one simple thought: we strive to help you perform at your best. Your success is our ambition. Your defeat spurs us on to be better.

Our brands complement each other like the skills of an exceptionally gifted decathlete.

Our consumers’ brand love is based on our employees’ extraordinary passion for a sporting lifestyle. With dedication, commitment and team spirit, we continuously innovate to establish new benchmarks in everything we do. Shaping the sporting goods industry sustainably is more than a job. It’s our impulse, an attitude that is truly dear to our hearts. It drives us.

The adidas Group at a glance

Employing more than 55,000 people in over 160 countries, we produce more than 778 million product units every year and generate sales of € 17 billion (all figures relate to 2015). These numbers alone can easily suggest that our Group is quite a complex organisation. True. But we keep things simple, lean and fast. And we will use this approach now to tell you what our company is all about. Ready ... set, go.

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